Full Placement

Finding the right domestic helper can be stressful. It doesn’t need to be.

We interview all domestic helpers first and we’ll look for domestic helpers with the right personality and attitude for your family. Then we’ll forward suitable profiles, and you will be able to interview the candidates before you make the final decision. Only pay once you’ve identified a suitable candidate who matches with your needs, and then it’s back over to us to take care of the rest.

Once you have filled up our application form, we’ll call you within 1 business day to get things started. 

Click here to learn more about what it means to be an ethical recruitment agency and FEA’s progress to becoming IRIS certified!

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🇵🇭Full Placement Service for Filipino Domestic Helper

Price: HK$17,300*

What’s Included
  • Vetting and Matching
  • One Standard Medical Examination**
  • Contract notarization fee for one Standard Employment Contract
  • Visa fee for one employment visa for the Worker
  • Complimentary Life Skills Training delivered by Fair Training Center
  • Document Preparation & Processing 
    • Dedicated case consultant following up on your progress and providing relevant updates
    • Efficient document preparation for deployment
    • Assigned staff members for consulate drop-off
  • Client Care
    • 2 years consultation period within the contract
    • Professional guidance for first-time employers and helpers
    • Expert opinion on addressing working issues eg. leave scheduling, communicating needs and expectations, termination etc.
    • Ad-hoc support to unexpected situations eg. medical, interpersonal, visa extension etc.
If the domestic helper needs to process overseas
  • Overseas Worker Insurance mandated by Philippine Government
  • Processing Fees to our Counterpart Agency in the Philippines
  • TESDA assessment fee for first timer workers / Complimentary Life Skills Training for non-first timer workers to HK valued at $200
  • One day of mandatory food and travel allowance
  • All domestic transportation and accommodation fees
  • One-way travel costs from the Philippines to Hong Kong capped at HK$1,300
  • Complimentary pick-up service for first-time domestic workers arriving in Hong Kong (From Airport to FEA Sheung Wan Office)

Need to process with urgency? Click to view our Priority Service!

🇮🇩Full Placement Service for Indonesian Domestic Helper**

Price: HK$18,000*

What’s Included
  • Vetting and Matching
  • One Standard Medical Examination**
  • Contract notarization fee for one Standard Employment Contract
  • Visa fee for one employment visa for the Worker
  • Document Preparation & Processing 
    • Dedicated case consultant following up on your progress and providing relevant updates
    • Efficient document preparation for deployment
    • Assigned staff members for consulate drop-off
  • Client Care
    • 2 years consultation period within the contract
    • Professional guidance for first-time employers and helpers
    • Expert opinion on addressing working issues eg. leave scheduling, communicating needs and expectations, termination etc.
    • Ad-hoc support to unexpected situations eg. medical, interpersonal, visa extension etc.
If the domestic helper needs to process overseas
  • Mandatory insurance as required by the Indonesia Government
  • Processing Fees to our Counterpart Agency in Indonesia
  • Training and Assessment Fees of the Worker
  • One day of mandatory food and travel allowance
  • One-way travel costs from Indonesia to Hong Kong capped at HK$2,500
*There is an additional charge of HK$2,000 for Driver placements as the process is more complex.
** For overseas processing, the medical exam will be done in the home country. For local processing, the medical exam will be done in Hong Kong.
See our License and Accreditation: HERE

How it works