Fair Training Center’s Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop: An online course for domestic helpers

Domestic helpers who are hired to work in Hong Kong, even when it isn’t their first time, are strongly encouraged to undergo a Life Skills Workshop to prepare them for life and work abroad.

In this article, we will share more about Fair Training Center’s Pre-Departure online course for domestic helpers.

NOTE: This is NOT the same as the TESDA NCII or OWWA PDOS/CPDEP training. This is a workshop provided by Fair Training Center designed as an online course for domestic helpers who want to improve their soft skills at work and accomplish their life goals.


About Fair Training Center’s Pre-Departure Life Skills online course for domestic helpers

FTC’s Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop is a 5-day pre-departure online course designed for Filipino domestic helpers. The objective of this online course for domestic helpers is to empower them to become successful with their work and life abroad. Workers learn important life skills, including soft skills and tips to prepare for their future as a domestic helper overseas.

Domestic helpers often face unique challenges specific to their job and work environment. With FTC’s Pre-Departure Life Skills online course for domestic helpers, participants have access to 25 lessons under 3 modules for a total of 10 hours. The online course covers:

  • Financial Education: financial planning skills to prepare for their future
  • Migration Adaptation: adaptation skills to learn how to cope to change and challenges abroad
  • Professionalism: important skills on how to be a professional domestic helper through the 4As: Appearance, Action, Ability and Attitude


What makes a life skills workshop different from other online courses for domestic helpers?

Fair Training Center’s Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop is a result of training over 1,200 Filipino domestic workers over the years in response to the trainees’ successful experiences of finishing their contracts abroad. FTC created the Life Skills online course for domestic helpers as a reprised version of the Pre-Migration module in the Domestic Work NC II Training provided for first-timer helpers.

Days 1 to 3 consist of self-paced online modules. Completion time varies mainly on the domestic helper’s availability to take and finish the modules.

Day 4 consists of a Group Coaching session where participants connect with each other to share their learnings, takeaways and ideas on how they can become more successful abroad.

Day 5 consists of a 1-on-1 career advising session to best prepare the domestic helper in identifying challenges they foresee before going abroad. Participants are also encouraged to anticipate possible reasons for termination and actions to prevent it.


What can I learn from the Life Skills Workshop online course for domestic helpers?

  1. Problem solving – Life skills workshop can help an individual set clear goals, both personally and professionally. This online course for domestic helpers will assist them in identifying their aspirations, developing action plans and staying motivated abroad to achieve their objectives.
  2. Emotional intelligence – Domestic work can be emotionally and mentally demanding. This online course for domestic helpers can address personal challenges that may impact job performance such as managing emotions, improving relationships, or enhancing overall happiness and satisfaction.
  3. Adaptability – Life skills workshop can support domestic helpers in developing further skills such as effective communication, creativity, and stress management. These skills can enhance their performance, job satisfaction and overall well-being.
  4. Time management – Domestic work often requires long hours or irregular schedules which can make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This online course for domestic helpers will equip them with strategies to manage their time, set boundaries and allocate time for personal activities and self-care.
  5. Leadership – Life skills workshop can help boost confidence and self-esteem of domestic helpers. Equipped with the right tools, life skills can support them in recognizing their strengths, building resilience and overcoming self-limiting beliefs.


How does an online course for domestic helpers like the Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop benefit employers?

  • Better prepared workers means higher quality in work performance and better care for families
  • Ease in building a satisfactory and harmonious relationship with your domestic helper and less conflicts due to issues caused by work performance 
  • Increased retention rate of domestic helpers which could save your time and money hiring for a replacement


How does an online course for domestic helpers like the Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop benefit a first-time hire without any experience working abroad as a domestic helper?

FTC’s Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop will enable first-time domestic helpers to gain a better understanding of their soft skills and preparation for the reality of work in Hong Kong.

  • Learn specific soft skills that will support you in producing high quality of work
  • Create positive and healthy working conditions and relationships
  • Equip you with additional soft skills to work towards their financial goals through completion of their first contract


How does an online course for domestic helpers like the Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop benefit an experienced domestic helper who has worked in Hong Kong or other countries before?

FTC’s Pre-Departure Life Skills Workshop will enable experienced domestic helpers to develop a deeper self-awareness of their soft skills and manage their expectations of working for a new employer.

  • Learn essential soft skills to enhance your quality of work
  • Create positive working conditions and harmonious relationships between you and employer
  • Accelerate progress of reaching your financial goals, enabling you to earn and save money throughout the duration of their first contract


Who is offering this online course for domestic helpers?

This online course for domestic helpers is offered by the Fair Training Center.

The Fair Training Center is a government-accredited training center based in Parañaque City, Metro Manila. Unlike most domestic work training centers in the Philippines, the Fair Training Center prepares job applicants with the necessary skills and tools to be successful while working abroad. Fair Training Center’s curriculum has been deemed the “gold standard” for premigration training by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in the Philippines and includes a focus on financial education, professionalism, communication skills, migration adaptation skills, and pre-migration preparation for both domestic helpers and their families. 

Fair Training Center and Fair Employment Agency are independent entities under the Fair Employment Foundation. We share the same mission of preventing forced labor by creating better outcomes for both employers and helpers through effective pre-migration training and ethical recruitment.

To know more about Fair Training Center, visit their website or contact them directly via Facebook.

Last updated on June 20th, 2024

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