Hong Kong Government Departments

Labour Department

The Hong Kong Labour Department’s Employment Agency Portal makes it easy to check for an employment agency license as well as to report agencies that are not adhering to the Employment Agency Code of Conduct.

Labour Department Hotlines:

Immigration Department

The Foreign Domestic Helper Section accepts submission of extension of stay applications from domestic workers.

* To make an appointment, please contact http://www.gov.hk/en/ or 2598 0888

Immigration Branch Offices

Immigration Branch Offices accept applications for and issue Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) travel documents, including HKSAR passports, Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes, HKSAR Re-entry Permits and Seaman’s Identity Books.

Most offices accept and process applications for extension of stay from persons on employment status such as domestic workers applying for contract renewal with the same employers.

Last updated on June 27th, 2024

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