Is domestic helper insurance necessary?

Yes. Employers are required to purchase insurance for their domestic helpers in Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong law, the employer must have employee compensation insurance for any domestic helpers they hire. This is typically known as ‘maid insurance’ or ‘helper insurance’ and most banks and insurance providers will have policy options. 

According to the Labour Department, “an employer who fails to comply with the compulsory insurance requirement is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for two years.” Therefore, it is very important for the employer to take care of the domestic helper’s insurance plan prior to employment.

This insurance is important because it covers the employer’s liability should the employee get sick or injured while working. The Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282) states that the minimum insurance cover required is $100,000,000/event. The least expensive and most basic form of helper insurance should provide this minimum requirement. 

While some employers choose to obtain only basic employee compensation insurance for domestic helpers, others choose more extensive plans that will provide more protection. We recommend comparing domestic helper insurance policies between companies to find the policy which best fits the needs and budget. More extensive domestic helper insurance plans can cover, in addition to the government minimum requirement, benefits such as:

  • Health insurance
  • Repatriation expenses
  • Personal accident insurance
  • Fidelity coverage
  • Dental insurance
  • Replacement expenses
  • Temporary worker subsidy


We have created a comparison chart of insurance policy options here. This is for reference only. Fair Employment Agency does not endorse any particular insurance policy. Please check directly with the insurance provider for the most updated prices. (Last updated August 2023)

Last updated on May 7th, 2024

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