How long does processing a Filipino domestic helper visa take?

Visa processing timelines are dependent on multiple factors, which is why changes to these timelines are to be expected. Employers should be wary of domestic helper agencies promising unusually fast processes beyond the standard processing timelines and be sure to ask about service terms and conditions clearly. 

Read below for a standard processing timeline estimate in order for you to know what to expect when hiring a Filipino domestic helper. 

*If you are hiring a domestic helper from Indonesia you can read this article on Indonesian helper processing timelines instead, as the timelines for Indonesian processing are different.

Local processing timeline for Filipino domestic helpers

Local processing applies to domestic helpers with a finished 2-year contract, or ‘special case’ workers where the previous contract was ended due to either employer relocation, passing, or financial difficulties. These domestic helpers can process a new employment visa locally without having to leave Hong Kong. Below, we provide an estimated processing timeline for Filipino domestic helpers processing locally.

Estimated Processing Timeline for Filipino domestic helpers: Local
Processing can only start when the contract is signed by both the helper and the employer, and all necessary documents have been received and checked by the agency.
1) Contract Signing
The contract is signed by both the helper and the employer once all the necessary documents have been received and checked by the agency. Once the contract is signed, our team will help finalise the necessary documents and submit the application to the Hong Kong Immigration Department on behalf of the employer and the helper. Helpers will only need to make an in-person attendance at the Immigration office on the visa release day.
2) Submission to Hong Kong Immigration Department
The earliest we can submit the application to Immigration is 4 weeks before the contract end date. Please note that Immigration requires the helper to finish one contract before starting a new one. Legally, helpers cannot start working for the new employer until the new working visa is approved.
3) Medical Exam (3-4 working days)
The helper will undergo a medical examination which may take 1-2 visits to the clinic. The medical report will be forwarded to our agency office in around 2 working days. The employer should review the medical report of the helper before the visa release date.
4) Visa Release (4-6 weeks after submission (depending on the helper’s contract end date))
The helper will need to collect the visa from the Hong Kong Immigration Department in-person. The visa release date is the contract commencement date. This means that, once the visa has been collected, the helper can start working with the new employer on the same day. If the helper is issued an entry visa only, the commencement date will be the date the helper arrives back to Hong Kong after their home leave in the Philippines.
5) Contract Notarisation at the Philippine Consulate (2 weeks (after visa pick up))

After the visa is released by Immigration, the agency will get the contract notarised at the Philippines Consulate. The employer and helper will receive the original copies of the notarised contract by courier after it has been released.

Overseas processing timeline for Filipino (non-first-time) domestic helpers

Overseas processing is for domestic helpers who are currently in their home country but are not first-timers to Hong Kong, or domestic helpers with broken or terminated contracts in Hong Kong who are required to return home to process a new employment contract. Below is an estimated processing timeline for Filipino domestic helpers processing overseas.

Estimated Processing Timeline for Filipino domestic helpers: Overseas (non-first-time)
Processing can only start when the contracts are signed by both the helper and the employer, and all necessary documents have been received and checked by the agency.
1) Complete Steps to Qualify for OEC (Around 6-8 Weeks)

The helper needs to obtain an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) in order to depart from the Philippines.

In order to apply for an OEC, several steps need to be completed first. The following steps will not necessarily happen in this order, though some are a prerequisite for others. Our team will work to move each piece of the process forward in the most efficient way possible and update both the helper and the employer at the different key stages.

  • Working Visa approval by the Hong Kong Immigration Department

  • Contract Notarisation by the Philippines Consulate in Hong Kong

  • Philippine Government mandated Medical Exam & “Fit to Work” Certification

  • Philippine Government Training Requirements Fulfilled [Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS), and Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)]

During this process, the helper will need to travel from their home in order to attend various appointments, including important ones in Manila. Our team will try to limit the travel back and forth for the helper as much as possible.

After the visa is released, our team will get the employment contract notarised at the Philippines Consulate. The employer will receive a notarised copy of the contract by registered mail after it is released. The helper will receive a notarised copy of the contract from our agency.
2) Submit the OEC Application (Around 2-3 Weeks)
3) Arrangements to Arrive to Hong Kong (1-2 Days)
TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: Around 2 to 3 months

Need to process with urgency? Enquire about our Priority Service here.

Processing timeline for Filipino first-time domestic helpers to Hong Kong

First-time domestic helpers from the Philippines will need to obtain a Domestic Work NC-II certificate, a Philippine government training requirement in order for them to be able to migrate for work. You can read more about domestic helper training requirements in the Philippines here.

The requirement for mandatory training means that the expected processing timeline will be different for first-time helpers. Below is an estimated processing timeline for Filipino first-time domestic helpers to Hong Kong. 

Estimated Processing Timeline for Filipino domestic helpers: Overseas (First-time)
Processing can only start when the contracts are signed by both the helper and the employer, and all necessary documents have been received and checked by the agency.
1) Complete Steps to Qualify for OEC (Around 6-8 Weeks)

The helper needs to obtain an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) in order to depart from the Philippines.

In order to apply for an OEC, several steps need to be completed first. The following steps will not necessarily happen in this order, though some are a prerequisite for others. Our team will work to move each piece of the process forward in the most efficient way possible and update both the helper and the employer at the different key stages.

  • Working Visa approval by the Hong Kong Immigration Department

  • Contract Notarisation by the Philippines Consulate in Hong Kong

  • Philippine Government mandated Medical Exam & “Fit to Work” Certification
    Philippine Government Training Requirements Fulfilled [Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS), and Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)]

During this process, the helper will need to travel from their home in order to attend various appointments, including important ones in Manila. Our team will try to limit the travel back and forth for the helper as much as possible.

After the visa is released, our team will get the employment contract notarised at the Philippines Consulate. The employer will receive a notarised copy of the contract by registered mail after it is released. The helper will receive a notarised copy of the contract from our agency.
2) Undergo Government-mandated Training (Depends on training schedule availability)

(i) Helpers without any overseas working record in the Philippines government system need to:
  • Undergo Mandated Trainings (OWWA) - Around 2-4 weeks are needed for a schedule to be provided by the Philippines government.

  • Fulfill Domestic Work Skills requirement (TESDA) - The duration of this training is normally around 3-4 weeks. However, the exact training timeline depends on both the training center chosen and the schedule of the assessment center.

(ii) Helpers who have other overseas working records in the Philippines government system but have never worked in Hong Kong need to:
  • Undergo Mandated Trainings (OWWA) - Around 2-4 weeks are needed for a schedule to be provided by the Philippines government.

During this process, the helper will need to travel from their home in order to attend various appointments, including important ones in Manila. Our team will try to limit the travel back and forth for the helper as much as possible.

After the visa is released, our team will get the employment contract notarised at the Philippines Consulate. The employer will receive a notarised copy of the contract by registered mail after it is released. The helper will receive a notarised copy of the contract from our agency.
3) Submit the OEC Application (Around 2-3 Weeks)
4) Arrangements to Arrive to Hong Kong (1-2 Days)
TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: Around 3 to 4 months

Need to process with urgency? Enquire about our Priority Service here.

Other Questions

What challenges do domestic helpers face when processing in their home country?

Many domestic helpers may not live near the agency office in their home country and may need to travel back and forth for appointments. They may also have to find boarding/accommodation while waiting for processing/to fly out.

Because of this, domestic helpers may at times face difficulties in covering the costs needed to complete the processing steps. This may create delays in the estimated timeline. Employers may consider remitting the money in advance to their domestic helper to ensure they can pay for the items needed.

Can domestic helpers with broken or terminated contracts process in Hong Kong without returning home?

Domestic helpers with broken or terminated contracts are not allowed to process locally. Instead they will need to return to their country of origin in order to process the new employment visa. 

While the option of processing locally was given by the Hong Kong Immigration Department during the Covid-19 pandemic, this is no longer possible. Be wary of domestic helper agencies offering you this option as the visa application will be rejected by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. This will waste the time and money of both the employer and the helper. In addition to this, the domestic helper will get a ‘rejected visa’ record in their application history with the Immigration Department, which may impact their future applications negatively.

Read more here.

Last updated on May 14th, 2024

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