Can I install CCTVs for domestic helper surveillance?

Every employer has a different set of expectations for their working relationship with a domestic helper. It is only natural to have concerns about potential behaviors since the domestic helper’s workplace is your home, after all. 

While installing CCTV camera systems for domestic helper surveillance may seem beneficial to alleviate your concern for security and safety, it is important to understand your objective and recognize your responsibilities.

About Domestic Helper Surveillance: Potential concerns 

According to the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data in Hong Kong, employers of domestic helpers are reminded to be reasonable and fair when collecting personal data in the process of workplace monitoring.

Before you decide to set up any form of domestic helper surveillance, it is important to acknowledge the underlying issues behind monitoring a domestic helper’s activities. Here are the 3 common concerns and ethical ways to address them.


If you are worried that the domestic helper’s performance is not up to your standards, we recommend starting with short-term supervision and setting clear expectations rather than setting up domestic helper surveillance.

  • During this period, demonstrate the requirements for each task.
  • Provide corrective action immediately and repeat for understanding.
  • After the supervision period is complete, continue to assess their performance through regular feedback sessions. 


If you are worried that the domestic helper may resort to stealing due to known financial difficulties, we recommend investing in products and services that will prevent theft and put your mind at ease in place of domestic helper surveillance. You can also benefit from these practical solutions in case of fires, floods, or other unexpected disasters.

  • Store your valuables in a locked cabinet or compartment in the home. You can choose from traditional locks, biometric locks or combination locks depending on your preference.
  • Secure any expensive jewelry, watches, cash, and important documents in a safe box that is hidden from plain sight, or not frequently accessed by any family member.
  • If necessary, purchase insurance for highly valuable items, including sculptures, artworks, and antique collections.

Physical or Verbal Abuse

If you suspect that the domestic helper is abusing your child or aged family member physically or verbally, report the case to the police regardless of whether you have sufficient evidence or not. The police are responsible for carrying out an investigation to determine whether any crime or violence has been committed rather than rely on you for domestic helper surveillance.

About Domestic Helper Surveillance: What should I consider before installing CCTV camera systems?

Ask yourself these 3 questions to understand why you want to install a CCTV camera system for domestic helper surveillance.

Q1. Do I trust my domestic helper?

Concerns about the domestic helper’s work performance can be multi-faceted. It’s possible that employers had unfortunate experiences with previous employees which explains potential trust issues with domestic helpers at home.

If you want to build trust, installing CCTV cameras as a form of domestic helper surveillance is not the only solution. We encourage employers to understand their management and communication style before hiring a domestic helper. Management styles normally exist within a wide spectrum ranging from micro-manager on one end to passive manager on the other. Be open with your preferred employment relationship, previous experiences with domestic helpers, and set reasonable boundaries.

Q2. Will setting up a domestic helper surveillance system help me or my domestic helper?

CCTV cameras can help to protect your family and possessions. Whether or not you employ a domestic helper, installing a CCTV system has already become an affordable means of security for many families and single residents. Domestic helpers left their families and properties in their home country to come and work overseas, so they understand your need to monitor the children, aged family members, pets, and any valuable belongings. Therefore, it’s important that you communicate your honest reasons for installing a domestic helper surveillance system at home.

Q3. Can I handle all the information and data collected from this domestic helper surveillance system in a responsible manner?

If an employer conducts video monitoring on a domestic helper’s work, this demonstrates collection of the domestic helper’s personal data. The Hong Kong government reminds employers that as data users, they must comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Principle Ordinance.

It is important to note that this domestic helper surveillance should not include spaces where private activities by the individual may be conducted. This includes the helper’s room and bathroom. Instead, the domestic helper surveillance can only be installed in areas where a person would not have any privacy to begin with e.g. the living room. It would also be acceptable to install cameras in high-risk areas where potential harm may take place, such as a child’s nursery or an elderly member’s bedroom.

We highly encourage employers to share viewing access to prevent any mistrust or paranoia regarding over-surveillance. Hidden cameras and other forms of undisclosed monitoring as a form of domestic helper surveillance can be detrimental to the helper’s privacy and should only be used in extreme cases, e.g. the monitoring is for the purpose of collecting evidence of abuse based on reasonable suspicion. If there is one principle to be applied to workplace monitoring, it is that employers should be open and transparent about the video camera location/s, use and retention of the recorded videos, and purposes behind domestic helper surveillance.

About Domestic Helper Surveillance: Are there alternative methods to using a CCTV system?

A healthy working relationship between you and the domestic helper is necessary to set up your household for success. We recommend any of the following solutions as an alternative method to domestic helper surveillance without the use of CCTV.

Short-term supervision

To establish a solid foundation, communicate your expectations clearly at the start of the domestic helper’s transition into your home. Use this time to show how you want certain tasks done. Depending on your preference, this can take the form of writing down a comprehensive to-do list or offering a visual demonstration. Rather than setting up a domestic helper surveillance system, choosing to personally oversee their performance for a short period and comment on any issues that may arise during the scheduled activities can help enhance communication. Remember that you are an employer and a manager who can train and set expectations with the domestic helper’s capacities. 

Checklists and documentation

Once the domestic helper is settled, implement a written checklist, either printed or on Whatsapp. The list would allow the domestic helper to record their activities through photos, videos, as well as take down any questions they have about completing their tasks. Different to relying on a domestic helper surveillance system, doing this can encourage accountability and remind the helper of their daily responsibilities.

Regular feedback sessions

Take some time to review the domestic helper’s checklist and offer feedback on their performance. During these sessions, you can pinpoint areas for improvement and appreciate their efforts. Documenting their tasks is useful whenever you want to give feedback since it can also be used as a template to compare your expectations with their results.

Verbal check-ins

Throughout the day or week, check in with the domestic helper appropriately. If you fear that the domestic helper is overstating their performance, make sure to offer clear suggestions on why you are dissatisfied with their work.  Define what is a consistent output so that you can help them become more accountable with their work.

However, remember to balance your check-ins, bearing in mind that every employment relationship should begin with trust and respect for the domestic helper. While monitoring their performance is important, it is equally necessary to ensure that the domestic helper feels safe and supported in your home through open communication and respect for privacy.

Last updated on September 5th, 2024

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