Why is my employment agency calling me?

If you are an Overseas Filipino Worker, your employment agency will be trying to contact you. Don’t worry, they just want to check you are ok!

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) announced that all employment agencies are required to contact all the workers that they have deployed, and provide online reports on each worker every 3 months. Here is the announcement by the POEA on August 2019.

Agencies will be required to check with workers on:

  • their general well-being
  • if they are still with the same employer or have changed employers, or has returned to the Philippines.

Employment agencies are required to do this reporting for all workers every 3 months. Because of this, always make sure that your contact information is updated with your agency so that they can reach you. And if you see a call or a message from your agency, make sure to reply as soon as possible!

If Fair Employment Agency is your agency and you’ve changed your phone number, please text us your current number. We want to hear from you and make sure you are ok!

Also, if you have any questions or concerns with your employment, reach out to your agency. Your agency may be able to provide you with advice and support. If Fair Employment Agency is your agency, please do call us! We’re here if you need us.

Last updated on July 18th, 2024
