What should I think about when choosing a training centre for a first-time domestic helper from the Philippines?

There are many training centres in the Philippines, but choosing the right one can be difficult. Choosing an unethical training centre will waste the money of both the domestic helper and the employer, as well as your time. When choosing a training centre in the Philippines we recommend you to watch out for the following:

Training centres not accredited by TESDA to provide Domestic Work NCII training

Some training centres offering training to domestic workers do not have the right accreditation with TESDA. Watch out for these training centres as they are not certified to train first-time domestic helpers ahead of their mandatory TESDA NCII assessment. You can find a list with all of the TESDA accredited training centres providing Domestic Work NCII training here.

Training centres offering unusually short training programmes

Some training centres offer so-called ‘refresher courses’ for domestic helpers, which are much shorter than the TESDA mandated training programme. These courses are not TESDA certified and focus solely on preparing the worker to pass the mandatory assessment. Unfortunately, these courses do nothing to properly prepare domestic helpers for their job abroad.

Training centres charging domestic helpers excessive fees

Some training centres charge excessive fees to domestic helpers. Oftentimes the employment agency processing the helper’s visa will force the helper to attend a certain training centre. When doing so, the helper will be charged excessive training fees which will cover both training as well as kickback fees to the employment agency referring the helper to the training centre. Note that the choice of training centre is up to the domestic helper, not the agency nor the employer.

Training centres only focusing on hard-skills and assessment preparation

Hard-skills training is not enough to prepare a migrant domestic helper for their job in a different country. Instead, effective pre-migration training needs to properly prepare the helper for both their job and their life as a migrant worker abroad. Training should therefore also include communication skills, destination-specific training, financial education, and other practical skills necessary for the success of the domestic helper in Hong Kong, for example, Fair training Centre.

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