Where can domestic helpers find help?


  • You are in physical danger
  • You fear for your personal safety
  • You are being forced to do or sign something against your will
  • You are unsure what to do

Tip: If the police assist you, get the report number so you can follow up later.


  • Find contact details for public hospitals, here.

Police hotline:

  • For non-emergency police help, call the police hotline at 2527 7177.

Sexual Violence:

  • For advice and support regarding sexual violence, contact Rainlily/ACSVAW: 2392-2569 or email acsvaw@rainlily.org.hk or enquiry@rainlily.org.hk OR contact the Anti-480 Anti Sexual Violence Resource Centre on 2625-4016 or info@anti480.org.hk

Contact your agency:

  • About entitlements (food, accommodation, rest days), mistreatment, and other complaints.
  • Contract termination
  • To mediate employer-employee conflicts

Contact a support/non-profit organisation if:

  • Your agency is not providing support
  • You would like more detailed assistance and advice
  • See a list of organisations, here.

Contact the relevant Consulate:

  • See Consulate contact details, here.

If you are in need of shelter, see a list here:

Labour Department

  • Call 2157 9537 for the Labour Department’s 24-hour Hotline for Domestic Helpers
    • The hotline provides advice on employment rights and responsibilities, complaints against employment agencies, and support filing for assistance on exploitation or physical abuse situations. An interpretation service in seven languages (Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Nepali, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu) is available from 8am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday (excluding public holidays).
  • Check Labour Department’s Employment Agency Portal for an employment agency license as well as to report agencies that are not adhering to the Employment Agency Code of Conduct. The portal is at: https://www.eaa.labour.gov.hk/

Hong Kong Labour Department

  • Telephone: 2717 1771
  • Website: http://www.labour.gov.hk/
  • Hong Kong East Division Address:
    • 34/F, Revenue Tower
      5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
  • Office Hours:
    • Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM – 6:15 PM

What does the MECAB (Minor Employment Claim Adjudication Board) do?

  • Minor Employment Claim Adjudication Board (MECAB) provides hearings for claims LESS THAN HK$8,000.  Hearings are conducted in public and no legal representation is allowed by an employer or employee.
  • Claims must first be submitted to the Labour Relations Division in the office serving the Employers address.  The Labour Relations Division will refer cases to the MECAB, if necessary.
  • Telephone: 2717 1771
  • Website: http://www.labour.gov.hk/

What does the Labour Relations Division do?

  • Answer questions by employers and employees on matters relating to employment and their rights and obligations under the Employment Ordinance
  • Accept labour claims by employees 7 days after termination
  • Provide conciliation service to employers and employees to help settle claims

Materials by the Labour Department

Immigration Department

The Foreign Domestic Helper Section accepts submission of extension of stay applications from domestic workers.

Immigration Branch Offices

Immigration Branch Offices accept applications for and issue Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) travel documents, including HKSAR passports, Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes, HKSAR Re-entry Permits and Seaman’s Identity Books.

Most offices accept and process applications for extension of stay from persons on employment status such as domestic workers applying for contract renewal with the same employers.

Materials by Immigration Department

Labour Tribunal

The Labour Tribunal provides hearings for claims GREATER THAN HK$8,000.  Hearings are conducted in public and no legal representation is allowed by an employer or employee.

Claims must first be submitted to the Labour Relations Division in the office serving the employer’s address.  The Labour Relations Division will refer cases to the Labour Tribunal, if necessary.

  • Address: Labour Tribunal
    36 Gascoigne Road
  • Office Hours:
    • Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    • Sat: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Contact: Tel: 22625 0020
  • E-mail: labourtribunal@judiciary.gov.hk
  • Web: http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/en/crt_services/pphlt/html/labour.htm

If you are in need of someone to talk to and professional counselling,

If you need support on Pregnancy, Maternity and Women’s Health,

  • Here is a list of service providers: here.

Financial Matters

  • Enrich provides financial education workshops for domestic workers and one-to-one financial counselling. Call 5648-0990, email info@enrichhk.org

Last updated on June 27th, 2024

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